To start, drag and drop a PDF file onto the box above. Alternatively, you can click the box and select the PDF file on your device.
After the PDF is uploaded, the name of your file will appear inside the box with the phrase "successfully uploaded!" next to it.
Next click the green "Count Words" box. Immediately upon being clicked, the word count will update.
If you want to count the words of another PDF, just repeat the process.
For one, Adobe Acrobat, which is the most common PDF software, does not have a PDF word counter feature.
Instead, Adobe recommends converting your PDF file to a Microsoft Word document and then using Word to find the word count. An online PDF Word Counter like ours is a nice alternative to avoiding that hassle.
Many people don’t even have Adobe or other PDF software downloaded onto their devices. With our tool, someone can use it without having to download, sign-up or pay for anything.
It doesn’t matter if you are using a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or mobile device, our PDF Word Counter works on all of them.
The PDF file you upload is processed locally in your browser using JavaScript. It uses the FileReader API and pdf.js library to extract text from the file on the client-side, meaning none of the contents are sent to a server.
In other words, we will never (and are unable to) store or save your files, only you have access to them.
It can be frustrating navigating the seemingly never-ending settings in your word-processor software to find the word count. That is, if your word-processor even has a word-count for PDF.
Our PDF Word Counter is extremely straightforward. Even your non tech savvy grandpa will find it simple to use.
Within just a few easy clicks you will have the word count of your PDF!
Having to manually count words can be a nightmare. Not to mention it would be less accurate due to a higher chance of human error. Counting words in a document by hand can take hours. Our PDF Word Counter counts the words instantly.
A PDF is short for Portable Document Format. It’s a file type developed by Adobe that is widely used in professional and academic settings. For example, they are commonly used as a digital format for books, research papers and legal documents.
Security features such as password protection, digital signatures and encryption can also be applied to PDF’s.
We hope you enjoyed using our tool. If you have any questions about it, you can contact us.
If you want to count the words of plain text, feel free to use our word counter. Or to count characters you can use our famous character counter. These tools will also have many other metrics and bonus features as well.
Our online character counter is a free tool that displays a character count, space count, word count and more as you type!
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