The Graduate School at Illinois State University

Illinois State University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, one of six regional accrediting bodies for higher education recognized by the United States Department of Education. For the complete information regarding accreditation, see:

Graduate School Established

The University began offering graduate work in 1943, when it introduced master's degree programs in several departments. The number of degrees has increased gradually since that time, with doctoral work introduced in 1962.

Today the Graduate School offers master's and doctoral degree work in many academic fields and professional education.

Mission Statement

The Graduate School fosters high quality graduate education at Illinois State University through strategic leadership and administration, providing services for students and faculty, and serving as a valued resource to the greater University community. Illinois State University is classified as a Carnegie Doctoral/Research institution.

Graduate Council

The Graduate Council is the representative body of the graduate faculty. Council members deliberate and set policy on all matters of graduate education and research, and advise the Associate Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies. Each council member sits on one of four standing committees: membership/student development, curriculum, research, or equity, diversity, and inclusion. Members are elected by the graduate faculty. Three graduate students serve on the Graduate Council. Selection criteria for members are articulated in Article IV of the Bylaws.

Graduate Coordinators

Designated by the Department chairperson or School Director of the unit as being responsible for the administration of the graduate program(s). These responsibilities include:

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