1st Year Computer Science Notes" width="1024" height="256" />
We know you are looking for 1st year Computer Science notes in PDF to download. That’s why we have uploaded the best quality notes of 11th class Computer Science. These computer notes include solved exercises, short questions, multiple-choice questions (MCQs), and complete notes of all chapters of Computer Science. You can easily download these Computer Science notes or view them online.
We uploaded the best quality ICS part 1 computer book IT series notes in pdf that covers the necessities of the new curriculum of all Punjab boards. As these notes are in a high-quality format so you can print them without any worry and prepare yourself for final papers. These notes separated into three portions.
The first category contains detailed notes of Computer Science for class 11. This section includes detailed notes of every topic of the 1st year Computer Science. We also add solved exercises and important questions at the end of these notes.
The second and third categories consist of complete solved exercises, MCQs, and short questions. We also added Extra MCQs and short questions so that it can cover every topic. You no need to buy any expensive book or notes for preparing 1st year Computer Science. These notes are completely free for use.
Finally, we’re trying our best to help you by providing these best quality educational resources. If you find any mistake in our 11th class Computer Science notes, please let us know. And if you like our work, then also tell your friends, so they can also get higher marks in the ICS exam. Have any query in your mind, then comment it below. Share these notes because “Sharing is Caring.”