The certificates and thumbprints referenced below apply to unclassified systems; refer to PKE documentation for other networks.
Run "PowerShell" as an administrator.
Execute the following command:
Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:Localmachine\root | Where Subject -Like "*DoD*" | FL Subject, Thumbprint, NotAfter
If the following certificate "Subject" and "Thumbprint" information is not displayed, this is a finding.
Subject: CN=DoD Root CA 3, OU=PKI, OU=DoD, O=U.S. Government, C=US
Thumbprint: D73CA91102A2204A36459ED32213B467D7CE97FB
NotAfter: 12/30/2029
Subject: CN=DoD Root CA 4, OU=PKI, OU=DoD, O=U.S. Government, C=US
Thumbprint: B8269F25DBD937ECAFD4C35A9838571723F2D026
NotAfter: 7/25/2032
Subject: CN=DoD Root CA 5, OU=PKI, OU=DoD, O=U.S. Government, C=US
Thumbprint: 4ECB5CC3095670454DA1CBD410FC921F46B8564B
NotAfter: 6/14/2041
Subject: CN=DoD Root CA 6 OU=PKI, OU=DoD, O=U.S. Government, C=US
Thumbprint: D37ECF61C0B4ED88681EF3630C4E2FC787B37AEF
NotAfter: 1/24/2053
Alternately, use the Certificates MMC snap-in:
Select "File", "Add/Remove Snap-in".
Select "Certificates", click "Add".
Select "Computer account", click "Next".
Select "Local computer: (the computer this console is running on)", click "Finish".
Expand "Certificates" and navigate to Trusted Root Certification Authorities >> Certificates.
For each of the DoD Root CA certificates noted below:
Right-click on the certificate and select "Open".
Select the "Details" tab.
Scroll to the bottom and select "Thumbprint".
If the DoD Root CA certificates below are not listed or the value for the "Thumbprint" field is not as noted, this is a finding.
DoD Root CA 3
Thumbprint: D73CA91102A2204A36459ED32213B467D7CE97FB
Valid to: Sunday, December 30, 2029
DoD Root CA 4
Thumbprint: B8269F25DBD937ECAFD4C35A9838571723F2D026
Valid to: Sunday, July 25, 2032
DoD Root CA 5
Thumbprint: 4ECB5CC3095670454DA1CBD410FC921F46B8564B
Valid to: Friday, June 14, 2041
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